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“We send down of the Quran that which is healing and mercy for the believers“ (Quran, Al-Isra 17:82) In November 2020 we partook in an initiative to fund and purchase Quran Cubes for local hospitals. Alhamduillah with the support of our generous community we managed to purchase 70 of these devices which provide recitation of the Quran continue to be used for Muslim patients who are towards the end of life, suffering from coronavirus and those who have no family.
Imam Fazal Hassan, Muslim Chaplaincy Co-ordinator, said: “We were delighted to receive these donations, which go a long to provide the emotional support and spiritual healing for our Muslim inpatients. “Having prayers and Quran recitation played next to their beds, particularly during the pandemic whilst visitor restrictions are in place, and some patients are generally too weak to pray for themselves, can make a big difference.” “The project gives patient’s relatives a great sense of relief and comfort knowing their loved ones are being supported in their faith. We’ve received feedback from staff, recalling that when families have heard the Quran being recited during their video calls, they have become overwhelmed by this gesture from our staff”, added Imam Fazal. “I would like to express how comforting our patients find the Quran Cubes during these unprecedented circumstances. Thanks to all involved in the project”, said Jude Harrison, Ward Manager of Reedyford Ward at Pendle Community Hospital Alhamdulillah this was an opportunity to help our community and ummah in a time of great need and the funds raised were also a means of Sadaqah Jariyah for sister Assia Shah, the chaplain at North Manchester General Hospital. She initiated the Quran Cube project just a few days before her passing. She was a very valuable sister who helped the Muslim community in hospitals and worked with us at Guidance Hub to provide us with the opportunities to help the patients. May Allah Almighty grant her the highest ranks in Al-Jannah and may He SWT accept everyone contributions, Ameen.