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The Importance of Salah As highlighted by hadith “Verily, I am Allah! There is none worthy of worship but I, so worship Me and offer establish prayer for My remembrance.” (Surah Taha 20:13-24) “Recite, [O Prophet Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.” (Surah al-Ankabut 29:45) Abu Hurayrah said. “I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: ‘If there was a river at the door of anyone of you and he took a bath in it five times a day would you notice any dirt on him?’ They said, ‘Not a trace of dirt would be left.’ The Prophet ﷺ added, ‘That is the example of the five prayers with which Allah removes (forgives) evil deeds.’” (Al-Bukhari, al-Sahih, 506) The Prophet ﷺ also said, “The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, he will be successful, and if it is deficient, he will be distressed and at a (great) loss. If his obligatory prayers are lacking, Allah will say: ‘Look and see whether My slave has any voluntary prayers which may be used to make up what is lacking in his obligatory prayers.’ Then all his deeds will be examined and dealt with in the same way.” (Al-Tirmidhi, al-Jami, 413) In another hadith, it is mentioned: “The key to Paradise is prayer; the key to prayer is wudu.” (Al-Tirmidhi, al-Jami, Chapter 1 Hadith 4) How did Salat (ritual prayer) become an integral part of Islam? The first prayer was the night prayer (tahajjud) which was obligatory. “O you who wraps himself [in clothing], arise [to pray] the night, except for a little. Half of it, or subtract from it a little or add to it. And recite the Qur'an with a measured recitation.” (Quran 73:1-4) It is reported that the Muslims prayed the tahajjud prayer for a year until it was abrogated and made optional. The books of seerah (prophetic biography) mention that the Muslims used to pray 2 units of ritual prayer at dawn and 2 units just before sunset. Opinions differ whether these 2 prayers were obligatory or optional. Then the Miraculous Night Journey and Ascension (al-Isra wa al-Mi'rāj) occurred around 2 years before the migration to Madinah. The 5 daily prayers were made obligatory during this supernatural event. Each prayer was 2 units each and Maghrib was 3 units. The final stage was an increase in the units. ‘Aisha RA narrates, “Ritual prayer was made obligatory as 2 units. The Prophet then migrated to Madinah where it became 4 obligatory units, but while travelling prayer remained as it had originally been.” Al-Bukhari, al-Sahih, 3935 & Muslim, al-Sahih 685) How to Pray Salah Download the file below for a complete step-by-step guide for Muslim men and women on how to perform the daily salah.
Original source: Signatora | 13th August 2020 There have been bookmarks ever since there have been books to mark. East to West, there is evidence of bookmarks from before books were printed. The older bookmarks tended to be made from leather, attached by a leather strap to an early book form known as a codex.
Leather remained a popular form of bookmark for some time, mainly because bookmakers could use the same material as they used to cover their masterpieces. As the printing press took off in Europe, silk ribbons became the most popular way of marking one’s place. These also came attached to the book. In the Victorian and Edwardian era, as the practice of bookmarking became more popular, companies would mass-produce them as an advertising strategy. These paper bookmarks are primarily responsible for the commercial bookmarks you find in stores today, in any style, and made from almost any material you can imagine. Some bibliophiles love bookmarks and keep one with them in every book they’re reading. Others use any scrap paper they can find. And then there are the dog-earers. Each camp, the bookmarkers, and the dog-earers, tend to think that theirs is The Way. Bookmarks are the Best – 5 Reasons Why Reason #1: Dog ears get you dirty looks. Dog-earers say that it’s more convenient to fold down the corner of the page, but dedicated book lovers and especially book collectors frown on the practice. That’s especially true if the book is a hardcover, collectible, or new printing. Trust us; if people see you besmirching your pristine new treasure, you won’t gain any friends. At least, you won’t gain any friends that respect books. And aren’t those the only ones worth having? Reason #2: Dog ears are unreliable. We’re not talking about actual dogs’ ears, which are very reliable. We’re talking about what happens when you fold down a corner of a book to mark your place, but something happens. Maybe
Reason #3: Bookmarks preserve a book’s condition. Caring for books means that the book looks just like it did when you started reading when you turn the last page. And whether you dog-ear some of the pages to keep your place or – gasp! – place your book face down on the table; you’re doing something to the book that you can’t undo. Bookmarks keep your book in like-new condition. If you decide to re-sell it or pass it on to a loved one or want to pick it back up again in the future and have that new book experience also, using a bookmark ensures that the structure of the book remains intact. Reason #4: Bookmarks are portable art. Sure, store receipts make convenient bookmarks, but real bookmarks look so much nicer. They have color and style, and they add visual art to your literary art experience. Reason #5: Bookmarks express your personality. Bookmark design is as limitless as a white page. You can even make your bookmarks and give them to your reader friends, or keep them to brighten your day. Or let yourself be drawn to the rack of bookmarks in your favorite bookstore and find one that calls to you. We asked Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi for his opinion on this matter, “Dog-earing is not a recommended practice, and I have neither done it nor seen it done, it helps to wear out the book at the same time it is not advisable to leave bookmarks in the book beyond reading the book. Over time, they can cause alteration in the colouring of paper and result in the bindings’ loosening. A translation & adaptation of an article written by Shaykh M. Sa’īd Ramadān Al-Būţi Rendered into English by Shaykh Waseem Ahmed Copyright © Deen Al-Fitrah - December 2019 The question of causes and their effects is common amongst most people who reflect and contemplate on the creation of this universe and the harmony that it seems to be in.
So why did Allah set up this world in such a manner? Why do we have cause and effect? If Allah is the Creator of everything and has complete power over everything, why then make it as it is? What is the wisdom? We should begin by pointing out that one of the most prominent and observable facts that lead us to believe in a creator to this world, is harmony and order that exists between everything in this universe and how it all combines to make a perfect system, which the intellect, without doubt, rejects could have occurred by mere chance or probability. This harmony and unison is no other than the reality which we all know as the system of cause and effect. It is something which is found in all parts and phases of this universe. This means that we have, through the system of cause and effect, guidance and a clear indication of a greater power behind this system. That there is a creator and founder to this whole universe. This system has been placed in a wonderful and amazing manner, in such remarkable harmony that anyone who reflects upon it will conclude that there is indeed a divine power. However, for the coming together of this harmonious system and it being a complete reality, the organisation has to be perfect, any deficiencies would lead to a total collapse of this delicate and huge system. Every part must fit into its correct and rightful place to provide this harmony and be a part of the complete harmonious system. So after reflecting on this system and realising its purpose it becomes clear to us that these causes and their resultant effects are merely signs indicating to a greater cause, something or someone who must be behind all of this, who has control and authority over all these causes and their effects. Allah, The Almighty, by His mercy decided to create this universe, and to make it a manner which articulates clear message. A design which would lead us to Him and make us realise that He is The Creator, alone in His Divinity, and all that occurs in this universe is by His command and His permission alone. He made certain things needy of others to complete their roles. He then placed between them intermediaries and causes through which this structure, which when we contemplate find amazing on many an occasion, could be accomplished. So the more we contemplate and understand the links between all the various parts of this universe and how they fit together so delightfully and we reflect on the harmony between them and as our knowledge increases and we become more familiar to this phenomenon We become conscious and recognise the order that exists in this universe, an order which could not have come from nowhere haphazardly. We become sure and certain of the existence of the one who is organising, ordering and has composed this whole symphony. Now had Allah not placed these needs and requirements in various parts of this universe and there was no ostensible appearance of cause and effect then the same opportunity to discover and discern the meaning of harmony in creation would not have existed and in turn the most prominent phenomenon leading us to His existence would have been lost. We have been given a great blessing in this system. When we look at scientific miracles and the amazing coordination in nature, are they not but manifestations of this system? We should remember this wisdom, and not become heedless to it and fall into the trap of believing that things have effect (on other things) by themselves. We should not fall prey to believing in ‘mother nature’, a word used to flee from submitting and admitting that there is a creator and a divine power behind these effects. All power belongs to Allah and He chooses what to do and what is to occur, we should not forget that this obvious harmony and distinct order has been placed for the servant to know his Lord. This article is copyright © of Deen Al-Fitrah 2019. It may be reproduced and quoted on condition that recognition is given to Deen Al-Fitrah and our website URL is shared: There is no requirement of attaining permission prior to quotation. |