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Imam Muhammad Mubashir Iqbal
Imam Mubashir's pursuit of Knowledge started at the age of 11. He studied in Jamia al Karam under the guidance & tutelage of The Exegete of the Holy Qur'an, Shaykh Muhammad Imdad Hussain Pirzada for 10 Years. During this time he completed his GCSE's, the foundational sciences of Dars Nizami & more advanced studies in the same curriculum with experienced scholars. He also taught books on Arabic Nahw In the same seminary during his studies there.
His desire to study further lead him to Darul Qurra & Islamic Research Centre, Birmingham. Here he studied texts in Persian aswell as some advanced books in the Dars Nizami Syallabus. Imam Mubashir taught in various Masjids and gave the Friday Sermon in Stoke on Trent during this time. He then travelled to Istanbul and studied with scholars from accross the world, mainly Shaykh Nadir Abu Amir Shaami. Imam Mubashir then moved to Dar al Uloom Muhammadia Ghousia in Bhera Sharif, Pakistan for Hadith Studies. He was fortunate to sit and listen to Hadith from the Shaykh of Tafseer & Hadith, Allama Muhammad Khan Noori (May Allah have mercy upon him). Therafter he moved to Jamia Qadiria in Mardan, Pakistan and had the honour of studying the final books of the Traditional Dars Nizami Syallabus such as al Hidayah, Mir Zahid Umoor Aamah, Mir Qutbi, Shams-e-Bazigah amongst others with the Jurist of his era, Mufti Fazle Subhaan Qadiri. Imam Mubashir recieved special licenses and Ijazahs from his noble teachers, some of which connect back to the likes of the Proof of Islam, Imam Ghazzali & Imam of the Ahl Sunnah, Imam Abul Hasan Asha'ri (May Allah have Mercy upon them all). Having returned home over a year ago, Imam Mubashir Currently serves as the Head Imam of the Golden Masjid in Rochdale, alongside teaching & maintaining his own studies |